This sombre midnight blue scene, created by well-known Danish artist Sven Dalsgaard around 1950, is one of the most poetic EAC posters. Dalsgaard was a Dadaist who dabbled in a variety of creative media including poetry. He was especially fascinated by dualism, which can be seen here in his juxtaposition of the great, modern EAC ship in the distance and the small rowboat in the foreground.
This captivating design in saffron tones, created in the 1930s by an unknown artist, presents another fascinating juxtaposition between tradition and modernisation. Incorporating Asian and European elements, the poster advertises “Regular passenger and Freight Services”, marking EAC’s particular role in the development of global transport.
Measurements: 70cm x 43,7cm
Finish: 140g, high quality matte print
Each poster costs DKK 200, (including VAT).
We can send posters for DKK 60 to addresses within Denmark. For large orders please mail us for a quote.
Please send us your full name and address and which posters you would like to buy. Then let us know once payment has been transferred via bank transfer to:
Danske Bank: Reg nr. 3001. Konto nr. 3015127910
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We can then look into the shipping fees and get back to you.