A week with future leaders at Asia House

29 October 2024

This past week, we had the privilege of welcoming ten interns from Det Internationale Gymnasium Niels Brock, who joined us to explore the critical topic: “Why is Asia an Important Region?” and to brainstorm ways we can inspire Danish youth to engage with Asia’s dynamic cultures and economies.

The week was filled with insightful lectures and conversations. Honar Abdollahi led a session on the essential role of cultural understanding, highlighting how it fosters international collaboration. Peter Johansen provided a comprehensive overview of Asia’s significance in the global landscape. Meanwhile, our board member, Kenneth P. Luciani, emphasized the importance of cultivating a global perspective for future success – right in line with the mindset and “EAC spirit” of the East Asiatic Company.

A highlight of the week was the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Day ceremony, where students joined representatives from the Royal Thai Embassy to Denmark in celebrating Thailand’s cultural heritage, providing them with firsthand experience in cultural diplomacy and international respect.

The students concluded their internship by presenting their projects to a panel of experts, including Kenneth P. Luciani, Susanne Rumohr Hækkerup, Peter Bang-Sudergaard, and Joan Jürs, receiving feedback on their creative and forward-thinking ideas — At Asia House, we’re happy to support youth initiatives and build bridges between Denmark and Asia. By fostering a global mindset in young people, we aim to help develop future leaders who understand Asia’s role in the world.

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