Announcing the Fourth Annual EAC Bachelor Prize competition in 2023
For the fourth consecutive year, Asia House and the EAC Foundation are pleased to announce the EAC Bachelor Prize in 2023. The annual prize awards DKK 25,000 to the brightest talents at Copenhagen Business School with a strong interest in Asia, to encourage them to pursue relevant issues and challenges within Asia-Pacific in the areas of trade, business, economics, and entrepreneurship, and to support them in their future endeavours.
The EAC Bachelor Prize is part of the EAC Foundation’s Youth Strategy, designed to inspire and create relationships between the next generation of businesspeople in Denmark and Asia, and to communicate awareness of the values for good management, innovation, and entrepreneurship, which the East Asiatic Company (ØK) built on for over 100 years. The EAC Foundation is dedicated to developing, maintaining, and strengthening relations between Denmark and Asia, through projects and activities organized by Asia House.
The Award
One winning thesis will be selected from among four CBS bachelor programmes. The authors of the winning thesis will each receive a cash prize of 25,000 DKK (max. three authors).
Eligibility for the Award
The Prize competition is open to CBS students writing their bachelor thesis in the spring semester in the programmes of International Business, International Business in Asia, International Shipping and Trade, and HA Almen.
It is expected that the thesis investigate important Asia-Pacific business and economic challenges or opportunities; demonstrate relevance to Asia (by deliberating either Danish business activities in Asia or Danish enterprises seeking to enter an Asian business market); demonstrate relevance for practical application; provide a new angle and insight. Additionally the paper is expected to be academically solid, including methodology, theory application and presentation style, as well as have received a grade of 10 or higher.
Selection Process
The academic directors of each of the four programmes nominate up to three theses for consideration at the end of May 2023 (date TBA). Thereafter, the selection committee, consisting of the four programme directors and two representatives from the EAC Foundation, meet to discuss the nominations in plenum. Based on collective input at the meeting, a single winning thesis is chosen, with the final decision being made by the EAC Foundation representatives. The committee’s decision is final and not subject to appeal. Winners are notified at their graduation ceremonies.
Ceremony & Reception
The prize winners present their thesis at the the awards ceremony to be held in June 2023 (TBA) at Asia House, Indiakaj 16, 2100 Copenhagen. Winner/s and nominees will be invited and recognised at the ceremony.
Previous winners
2020: Sebastian Behn Hansen (International Business) and Eske Gerup (International Shipping & Trade) for their Bachelor thesis entitled: “The effect of outsourcing on firm market value – A perspective from a small nation”.
2021: Friederike Bock and Douglas Tjokrosetio of International Shipping & Trade, for their Bachelor thesis entitled: “Blockchain in the Shipping Industry – A Case Study on TradeLens”.
2022: Emil August Jespersen and Gustav Beier-Dahl of the International Business programme for their thesis entitled: “Second-hand and the Social Logic of the Luxury Object: Luxury’s second-hand paradox”.
Contact Events & Communications Manager, Simone von Burgwald, at Asia House on for more information.