Chairman of Asia House’s critical concern regarding Danish exports

25 May 2023

Photo: Børsen

If you missed it in the papers, make sure to read Chairman of Asia House, Ove Ullerup‘s critical concern regarding Danish exports.

Ove Ullerup sheds light on the limitations faced by Danish businesses, particularly SMEs, as they venture into the global market, in a recent opinion piece published on Børsen.

“In the past ten years, Danish exports to Asia (excluding China) have largely stagnated, and overall, we export more to the 15 million Swedes and Norwegians than to the over 4.5 billion Asians. This is despite the booming development in Asia.”

This article delves into the reasons behind this restricted export landscape and explores the implications it has for Danish businesses, with a particular focus on the vulnerability of SMEs.

Read the whole article in Danish here.

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