Inauguration 2022
DASN ended 2022 on a high note: the inauguration of our Advisory Board! It consists of eight experienced members based both in Southeast Asia and Denmark. Over the next week, DASN members will be introduced to them and their experiences through the DASN website and LinkedIn.
First Advisory Board meeting held
The newly appointed Advisory Board had its first virtual meeting at the end of December. These eight Southeast Asia experts will provide input for DASN’s future work, its activities and development. To all the members, many thanks for your committment – Birthe Ravn Greisen (DK), Carsten Thorsen (DK), Henrik Friis (TH), Jesper Holmgaard (DK), Jesper Svenningsen (PH), Mads Skrubbeltrang (VN), Niels Bjerring (ID), og Preben Hjortlund (VN).