Innovation Lab Asia (ILA) was the precursor to the Nordic Asian Venture Alliance (NAVA). ILA was focused on knowledge building and knowledge sharing, and generated a number of insightful reports into the Asian startup markets. Since then, the project has grown and transformed and been upgraded to include:
The NAVA initiative is basically a continuation of Innovation Lab Asia. We are the same crew and core project partners, with a few welcome additions. And all our activities are building on the insights and network generated during the course of ILA.
NORDIN, an Asia House project, was designed to help Danish SMEs navigate the complexities of the Indian market. Over a span of 18 months, the Indo-Danish SME Accelerator Platform provided Danish SMEs with a ready platform to gain access to the business ecosystem through guided mentorship, co-creation and development of lasting business relationships. Out of 25 companies from the second cohort to take their companies to India with NORDIN, 20 are now actively engaged in India through successful pilots, established partners and firm commercial deals.
NORDIN was made possible with funding from the Danish Industry Foundation. The project was carried out in collaboration with GreenTech Challenge, The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and The Danish Industry Foundation, with support from DI India, Innovation Centre Denmark Bangalore and GREEN INNOVATION GROUP A/S.
Contact us if you have resources you would like to share.